terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2005

Na Mesa de Cabeceira: O Feiticeiro

Resiste na mesa de cabeceira (que na realidade é um cesto!) "the wizard" de Gene Wolfe.
Está a ser difícil entrar neste novo universo do meu autor favorito, mas há os habituais momentos de puro génio. Suponho que, como de costume, a segunda leitura dos livros (o volume anterior chama-se "The knight") já permitirá olhar a paisagem em vez de andar a empurrar a carroça, que é o que sinto que estou a fazer com esta leitura de solavanco.

Entretanto, na net, um divertidíssimo choque de titãs:
Neil Gaiman entrevista Gene Wolfe

Neil Gaiman: What drives you to keep moving, to explore new genres and ways of storytelling?
Gene Wolfe: Well, I don't see the point in telling the same story over and over. Neither do you, obviously—you could be asked this question every bit as easily, and you'd answer it better. As you know, you can't interest readers unless you're interested yourself. This is the law of the blue bunny rabbit: If the author doesn't care what happens to the blue bunny, the kid won't care what happens to the blue bunny.
Besides, it's far easier to write if you become fascinated by the characters and their story. You know all this, Neil. Why are you asking me? You sit down thinking, "Wow! What happens next!?!" And it's fun. They pay us to do this?

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